All Opportunities

The list of scholarships below includes all scholarships available to students at Cuyahoga Community College. To be considered you must be a Tri-C student, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and maintain eligibility as detailed for each scholarship.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$3,000.00 Academic Excellence
The Academic Excellence Scholarship is awarded to new high school...
$1,016.67 Access Scholarship Fund
The Access Scholarship Fund (formerly the Gap Scholarship Fund) supports...
$1,500.00 Affinity Consulting Paralegal Scholarship
Enrolled in Paralegal Studies Program.
Varies Alfred Lerner Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Alfred Lerner Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by...
$2,500.00 Alice Norman Scholarship
Alice Norman served on the board of the College Club of Cleveland...
$1,600.00 Alumni Scholarship
The Alumni Scholarship Fund was established with the generous support of...
$1,500.00 American Greetings
The American Greetings Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by...
$5,000.00 Amsdell Group of Companies Endowed Scholarship
• Enrolled in a Business programs, including Business Management, Small...
$1,000.00 Angela Marie Adamczyk
Completed the first year of the Nursing program with a minimum GPA...
Varies Ardelia Lois Dickens and Zella M. Haggins Memorial Scholarship
Established in memory of Ardelia Lois Dickens, who enrolled at Tri-C at...
$1,000.00 Bessie A. McNair Scholarship
Bessie A. McNair Scholarship • For students majoring in Early Childhood...
$1,666.67 Bettie J. Baker
Honorably discharged, 2.5 gpa, min 6 hours registered per semester
$0.00 Carl B. Stokes Scholarship
This scholarships was established by the family of Carl B. Stokes...
$1,000.00 Cheryl Agranovich Scholarship
The Cheryl Agranovich Scholarship Fund will support scholarships for...
$2,500.00 Church of the Saviour Margaret Knooihuizen Nursing Scholarship
In keeping with their mission to bring new life to greater heights, the...
Varies Claressa Collins Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Claressa Collins Scholarship Fund was established by Cuyahoga...
$1,500.00 Cleveland Teachers Union
Cleveland Municipal Student District scholarship for a high school...
Varies Creative Arts Scholarship Fund
The Creative Arts Scholarship Fund was established to support students...
$100.00 Cuyahoga County Veterans Scholarships
Criteria: • Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, with an other than...
Varies Dale K. Nicklas Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Dale K. Nicklas Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in memory...
$2,500.00 Daphne Darleen Johnson Veterinary Technology Scholarship Fund
As a Tri-C alumna and advocate for higher education, Daphne Johnson left...
Varies Dave's Supermarkets Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Dave’s Supermarkets Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by...
$300.00 DH Professional Ethics Scholarship
3.0 GPA for students registered or have taken and passed PHIL 2050 or...
Varies Distance Learning Scholarship Fund
The Distance Learning Scholarship Fund was established to assist...
$2,083.33 Dollar Bank Public Safety Scholarships
Dollar Bank is providing financial assistance to students who are...
$1,250.00 Dr. David Duncan Endowed Scholarship Fund
A graduate of Cleveland Public Schools, Dr. David Duncan Survived a...
Varies Dr. Jerry Sue Thornton Endowed Scholarship Fund
Created initially in 2002 to honor Dr. Jerry Sue Thornton’s 10th...
Varies Dr. Margaret and William Taber Memorial Endowed Scholarship
The Dr. Margaret and Mr. William Taber Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund...
$1,699.03 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Scholarship
The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Endowed Scholarship Fund...
$0.00 Dr. Terri Pope Westshore Student Success Endowed Scholarship
Established by William and Terri Pope in recognition of the retirement...
$999.31 E. C. Leo Koury
2.5 gpa, first generation, preference for immigrants or children of...
Varies E.W. Holmok and Charles Kinzig Memorial Scholarship Fund (Temp. restricted)
Established in memory of E.W. Holmok, Jr. and Charles H. Kinzig. ...
$0.00 Ella Backstrom Norder and Alice M. Hansen Memorial Scholarship
The Ella Backstrom Norder and Alice M. Hansen Memorial Scholarship was...
$1,000.00 Elsie and Sandra Littman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established by Sandra Littman at the time of her passing in her memory...
$1,272.00 Erwin Eberhardt Memorial Scholarship
Officer Erwin Eberhardt served the Cleveland Police Department for 30...
$910.00 FIERF Forging Foundation
The Forging Industry Educational and Research Foundation (FIERF) is a...
$1,250.00 Fire Academy Scholarship
To provide scholarship support for students enrolled in Tri-Cs Fire...
$1,250.00 Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Scholarship
The purpose of the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Scholarship...
$1,250.00 FireService Management First Responders Scholarship
Fire Service Management First Responders Scholarship to provide...
Varies First Generation Scholarship Fund
The First Generation Endowed Scholarship Fund was established to provide...
$2,000.00 Fran and Jules Belkin Endowed Fund for Creative Arts
Established in recognition of Fran and Jules Belkin’s long-term...
$0.00 Frank Jackson Committed to Cleveland Scholarship Fund
The Honorable Frank G. Jackson “Committed to Cleveland” Scholarship Fund...
Varies Gail and Richard Bowen Endowed Scholarship
The Gail and Richard Bowen Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in...
$1,000.00 Gardeners of Greater Akron
To aid promising students enrolled in Cuyahoga Community College’s Plant...
$1,000.00 George L. Forbes Scholarship
This scholarships was established the Cleveland Chapter of the NAACP, in...
Varies Gerald H. Gordon Endowed Scholarship Fund
The Gerald H. Gordon Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in memory...
$0.00 Gill and Tommy LiPuma
Veterans of the recording music industry, Gill and Tommy LiPuma were...
$2,783.79 Gloria Moosmann Endowed Scholarshp Fund
The Gloria Moosmann Endowed Scholarship Fund was established to...
Varies Health Careers Institute Scholarship Fund
The Health Careers Institute Endowed Scholarship Fund was established...
$1,000.00 Herbert and Edith Mausser Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Herbert and Edith Mausser were committed to the role that education...